A mountain valley, into the dessert, on top of a skyscraper; you can take the X-POLE X-STAGE anywhere, your imagination is the only limit.
Putting your stage up and taking it down is super quick and easy, leaving you more time to pole. The X-STAGE is supplied with bespoke carry cases for every element of your stage, making it simple to transport. For this pole, we generally recommend a user weight limit of 330lbs. You can increase the stability by adding weight plates. Always test your pole’s stability before each use.
- Spin/Static feature
- 233 lbs overall
- Base 85lbs, comes with case
- 6 total plates, three per carry case.
- One pole set with its own case
- 4 boxes/4 carry cases total
- 10’ overall height
- 9’usable pole length
- Diameter of podium/Base: 5’
Compared to the X-Stage Lite:
- Higher podium/Base height (1ft above to the ground)
- 20lbs heavier base
- Extendable legs (the Lite has NO extendable legs)
- Same weight capacity (user weight limit suggested: 330lbs. Weight plates can be purchased for extra stability)
- 10’ overall height for both.
- Standard stage has 3 wheels and a separate handle
- Both offer static/spin function
- Both have a universal base. Additional pole sets can be purchased here.
Set-up requirements
The X-STAGE Standard is meant for spaces with ceiling heights of 10’5” or above. No permanent fixtures required (for shorter ceiling heights, please see “Accommodations” section below)
Putting your stage up and taking it down is super quick and easy, leaving you more time to enjoy your pole. The X-STAGE Standard is supplied with bespoke carry cases for every element of your stage, making it simple to transport. If you are purchasing the X-STAGE or X-STAGE Lite to use with LyraPole – please read the product description to ensure it is compatible.
- For ceiling heights shorter than 10’, A shorter extension must be purchased, to be used in place of the B-Pole
- To clear a 9ft ceiling order the 1000mm extension
- To clear a 8ft ceiling order the 750mm extension
- To clear a 7ft ceiling order the 500mm extension
- Available in Chrome, Stainless Steel, Brass, **Silicone (45mm only Black & Pink) and Powder Coat (Black, Pink & White) finishes and 40mm & 45mm diameters
- Easy to install and user friendly
- Full instruction manuals/instructional videos available
- Totally portable pole dance stage for complete freedom to pole anywhere
- Weight trays available to add extra weights to the stage base for even more stability
- Please Note: **Lower part of the Silicone poles must me cut to fit into the standard base, as the pole is set to fit a Lite base.
You can check out the X-STAGE Instruction Manual and get a better idea of the X-STAGE height chart.
** HAWAII, ALASKA, PUERTO RICO & APO/MILITARY ADDRESSES – Will require additional shipping charges. Customer service representative will contact you via email or phone for additional payment. Tambien hablamos español.